Tuesday, 14 January 2014

RESEARCH: The Opening of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (David Fincher, 2011)

Production Log 9 (14th Jan.2014)

This film opens with an extreme close up of a man unwrapping a parcel, creating suspense and tension as the audience does not know what is in the parcel. 
This gave me the idea of having an extreme close up shot of the drugs in our opening, as the audience will be curious whether those are harmful, which creates suspense and tension.
There are also connotations of technology in it: one of the scenes contains a small section of keyboard in it, showing the audience the film has something to do with computers and technology. Within a few seconds there is another scene where there are lots of USB wires, reinforcing this idea.
In another scene you can see a person being chained up, showing the audience that it is a violent film.
A person is covered in black liquid. Black symbolises evil, and if you look closely to the person's face you could see signs of suffering. There is suspense as the audience will wonder what is going on with the person. 

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