Wednesday, 29 January 2014

PLANNING: Storyboard

Production Log 14 (29th Jan.2014)

In the lesson today we have created a storyboard for our first and second scene in our film opening.
Our first scene is:
 - a boy comes home from school
 - kicks his shoes off at the door and goes to the kitchen to look for food (turns the kettle on)
 - he then hurries upstairs to his room
 - he sits down on his bed and starts going on his phone
 - he saw the drugs on his table and is tempted to take it
 - he takes the drugs, and sits back on his bed and continues to look at his phone
 - after about 2 minutes, he starts feeling very uncomfortable and starts shaking
 - he tries to reach the phone, but he fell to the floor
 - he eventually stops moving
 - the water in the kettle is done and the kettle goes off
 - his mum turns it off and looks for her son
 - she goes into his room
 - scene fades as we hear her scream

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